C.A.M.P. seeks to prepare students for careers in the arts and a deeper relationship with their God. CAMP-ers will be united in small-to-medium sized groups (15-25) according to their primary discipline.
They will be mentored and taught by Christian artists and teachers. Mentors will have a proven record of artistry, creativity and a faithful, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Christian youth don’t always know how their art and faith can coexist. CAMP offers a foundation for a life of artistic expression lived out in faith, and provides a mentor for the journey.
C.A.M.P.’s purpose is to provide a safe, creative place for students to explore creativity, craftsmanship and artistic skills under the guidance of Christian mentor artists.
This network will help to service and attract a wide variety of diverse, artistic, Christian youth. Some of the disciplines C.A.M.P. will seek out partnerships and support from like-minded Christian organizations, churches and professional Christian artists.